I have so many green tomatoes. In this region, the weather is so inconsistent from year to year, you never know when tomatoes will ripen. We are also in a different microclimate from last year and got our plants in a bit late. I have asked around. Some neighbors have ripe tomatoes. The folks at the Bounty Farm on the other side of town have ripe tomatoes, so it is only a matter of time before we do.
I picked some cherry tomatoes this morning, which are almost there and sweet enough.
I am also waiting on Italian paste tomatoes and something called a "pineapple" tomato (not sure if it is named for the color or the flavor), along with a few others. I guess it is only mid-August, so I should be happy with my cucumbers and beans. I just hope the tomatoes have the good sense to not all ripen at once.
Beans Beans!
Our tomatoes are taking forever to ripen, too! Some of the cherries have been ripening a few at a time, but the big varieties are taking forever. We've had one or two so far, with a few turning now. I can't wait for lots at once!